For those who didn't get the original newsletter here it is.
RAMROD C013201 is here at last for past customers to order at a discounted price.
RAMROD is a unique product incorporating vinyl masks and Alps printed decals for the smaller elements such as the personal markings.
RAMROD includes markings for three a/c from No. 453 Sqn. 2 Mk IX's, FU-? 'Gremlin' BS227 and FU-X 'Stinker III' BS400 and a Mk XVI with clipped wings, FU-? SN278.
Vinyl masks allow for complete control on what colours you apply to the model. The results are superb as this is the way the markings were applied to real Spitfires!
A word of warning. These masks are VERY FIDDLY AND DIFFICULT TO USE! I recommend and will only sell these to EXPERIENCED MODELLERS ONLY! If you are an average modeller this product is not for you.
RRP $89.95 AUD
Your Special Price $79.95 AUD (includes airmail postage worldwide)
The first 20 customers to order RAMROD will also receive a bonus set of masks and decal for JE-J EN398. The kit decals for this a/c are inaccurate. This is a limited offer only to past customers.
Pleae note however that it is intended to include JE-J EN398 in a later product release C013202 that will also include markings for 2 other Mk IX's. Release date is dependant on the sales of C013201.
It is intended to send all orders received during December and into the first half of January 2010. Please note that I make no undertaking to send the product so you have it before Christmas. Sorry, but it just is too time consuming to produce, package and post to meet that sort of deadline.
This is a limited offer that will expire 9/12/2009.
If you would like to order RAMROD please reply to and I'll send details on how to make payment via PayPal.
PV 'Prof' Lloyd
PLEASE NOTE: Above is directed to past customers of AI only.
Aero Imageworks use of vinyl masks and decals in RAMROD is a unique and innovative way of providing authentic markings for a model. There is no other product like this on the market anywhere in the world.
STOP PRESS: Limited offer extended until 16/12/09.