Monday, March 30, 2009

AI mailing list

The recent newsletter from Aero Imageworks (AI) with details on how to pre-order the latest decal will be resent in the next week or so as there were a few people who missed out on the original newsletter. Want to be on the mailing list? to get on the list you must have purchased a product from AI in the last 12 months. Simply send me an email and Ill put you on the list.

Things are progressing nicely on further 'Spitfires in the Antipodes' decals. Feedback on these decals has been very positive, in particular the decal booklet that seems to be more valued than the actual decal! Speaking of the decal, some have asked why it isn't a single sheet like 'regular decals'. It's printed on a number of sheets because the printed process is far more complicated than that involved in producing regular screen printed decals. By separating the decal elements into a number of sheets we are able to achieve printing efficiencies and good quality control.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pre-order new decal from AI

Past customers of Aero Imageworks on our mailing list should have received details of our latest decal availaible for pre-ordering. If you didn't receive the email contact us.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

MEGA Mossie coming soon

Aero Imageworks is currently preparing a decal for Airfix's 1:24th scale DeHavilland Mosquito Mk VI due for release later in the year. The decal will cover RAAF Mossies from the European and Pacific Theatre with the emphasis on 'nose art' aircraft.

There's keen interest in this kit even though it wont be cheap. I know of at least half a dozen modellers who will be placing an order for the kit. Stay tuned for more updates .